Week #4 at Law School

Well, I am way behind on my posts.  I should have about another 6-8 posts up, but I fell behind.  I will stay on top of it moving forward.

I am four weeks into the first semester, it is not as bad I it could have been.  I have a great bunch of professors that know there stuff and aren’t socratic-crazy.  Our class, a total of 230 or so folks, are broken down further into sections.  Our section is about 18 people.  Our classes, with the exception of lawyering, are a mix of 4 sections, or about 80 people per class.  It mirrors how Columbia Law divides their class into sections.

I have also joined a study group.  Study groups are helpful because you can bounce ideas off each other, discuss issues, and it requires you to be prepared to discuss the cases with your group.  You do not want to disappoint your study group.

As the semester drags on, the importance of a study group will begin to really become emphasized.  My study group was created specifically for Torts, but we are expanding into the other subjects as well.

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